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Medisoft Office Hours Professional Program Options Appointment Display


Medisoft Office Hours Professional – Program Options – Appointment Display Tab

The appointment Display tab will allow you to determine which values are displayed on the schedule when an appointment is scheduled. It is important to note that the appointment will only display the same number of items as time slots taken up by that appointment. For example, if you have 15 minute time slots and a 30 minute appointment, Row 1 and Row 2 will display on the schedule for that appointment.

This feature is only available in Office Hours Professional.


Reason Codes

Reason Codes are used in conjunction with Templates to set aside portions of the day for specific purposes. Prior to setting up your templates, you will want to set up your reason codes. Some examples of reason codes you might want to establish are: New Patient Visits, Urgent Visits, Routine Check-Ups.

You do have the ability to set up Reason Codes within the standard version of Office Hours. The only difference is that you will not have the ability to set a Default Template Color, as the standard version does not allow you to set up templates.

You can set up a new reason code by clicking the Lists menu and Reason List. To create a new Reason, click New.

Code: The Code field is the unique identifier field for your reason codes. It is the value you will utilize in order to link the reason code to the template. For this reason, your Code should be descriptive of the actual appointment reason it will be representing.

Default Appointment Length: Whenever an appointment is scheduled for this particular reason code, the default appointment length will default as the length for that appointment, regardless of what is listed in program options as the default appointment length.

Default Appointment Color: This field functions similar to the Default Appointment Length. This color will default on all appointments entered for this reason code, regardless of the settings in program options.

Default Template Color: If you set a default template color, you will be determining the color of open time slots that have been reserved for appointments with that reason code.

Once you have set up your reason code, click Save.

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